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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Is a glass of fruit juice equivalent to a piece of fruit?

Whole fruit is always the better option: A medium orange contains just 62 calories and 12 grams of sugar, and it has 3 grams of belly-filling fiber.  By comparison, an 8-ounce glass of Minute Maid OJ has 110 calories, 24 grams of sugar, and no fiber.  What’s more, so-called juices contain not only the natural sugar from the fruit but also a large amount of added sugars, so that they aren’t as tart. (Cranberry juice, in fact, is too sour to drink when it hasn’t been sweetened.)  Even drinks labeled 100 percent pure juice aren’t necessarily made exclusively with the advertised juice. Another example is that pomegranate and blueberry may get top billing in some drinks, even though the ingredient list reveals that pear, apple, and grape juice are among the first four ingredients.  These juices are used because they are cheap to produce and because they are super sweet which increases the likelihood of you wanting to get more. Juices considered a “superfoods” are most likely considered prone to this type of trickery. To avoid the huge sugar surge, pick single fruit juices, pour half a glass and fill the rest with water or seltzer. Your best bet is to simply use whole fruit.



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